Song Of The Day

Song Of The Day: Within Dreams by The Album Leaf

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In Motion

Apparently I don't have the ability to keep up with this on a day to day basis. I suppose there has been a thought funk that has encompassed myself lately, is this the re-awakening? Possibly. Of course it is 2:16am and I work tomorrow, however, late night film watching has become a regular occurrence. Tonight, The Social Network. I do not doubt any of the wins and nominations this film has received, it deserves them all. The soundtrack, which is currently filling my brain with sparks of energy traveling ever so swiftly across the highways of thought and intellectual stimulation that make up what it is that is my brain, is something truly remarkable. This is an example that can be applied to that of the Mozart Effect. If you haven't heard of this book, look into it: The Mozart Effect by Don Campbell. I can't begin to dive into that system of ideas, although it's something encountered every second of my life, it's a bit complex but intriguing and will change how you view what it is you allow into your ears.  This soundtrack has been composed with the term "intellectual" in mind for sure, because that's what this movie is about. The makings of this album pose open doors to worlds of thoughts and ideas, call them, formulas for possible creations whether it be homework, a work project, a song, a moment of self-realization, etc. These are sounds of complexity that have their top button buttoned and their tie on straight, clean-cut is the key to this album's success; clean-cut with a bit of a "fuck you very much, i'm the ceo bitch" tagged onto it. A bit of a warning though, listening to this piece at such a late hour may cause insomnia, as I am experiencing due to the amount of moving energy in my brain. If you haven't caught on, it's apparent I highly suggest viewing this film. It may change your view of Facebook. I know I'm having difficulty looking and using it the same.

I just had a pause in my writing. A good few minutes of sitting, listening, and listening to the thoughts racing through my brain. I need to make something, creating something. First I suppose I should go through the minutes just prior to entering the world of the sandman.

Expect another entry sooner than later.

1 comment:

  1. Broseph, so I practice the drunk effect. I drink while studying and it brings clarity to my mind. It's the type of clarity you can only dream of. Now drinking and listening to Strauss (cause I love dance music circa 19th century) kicks Mozarts ass. My synapses are off the charts! Gotta go my dog is being an a-hole and wants to go for a walk.
