Song Of The Day

Song Of The Day: Within Dreams by The Album Leaf

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Dancing Trees

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be a tree. Not to be a tree at any old time, but to be a tree on breezy/windy nights, such as the current one. I look at these trees moving their hips and their limbs, and I wonder what it would be like to be a dancing tree like that. To have your moves determined by a force in which you cannot control, in such a case the wind. It's also interesting to see that not one tree dances in the same step. Each one has their own set of moves, their own style of dancing. This thought leads me to ponder what the personality is that lies within these products of nature. For example one tree may move forcefully, flailing about as if there is a point to be made or something that needs to be said. Those trees apparently need and want to be heard and seen. Now, on the other hand you have those trees that move ever so slightly, so gently. These seem to be the type that just move in the moment and for the moment. These seem relaxed and in a state of grace. Now compare this analogy with how you go about your day. Are you a forceful, flailing tree that needs to be heard and seen? Or, do you have a general relaxed way with things, and go about your day peacefully. You see, it's in my opinion that with persons that are the first type of tree, a lot of energy is wasted on unnecessary flailing about that really does the opposite of what one wishes to accomplish. Those trees break their limbs from such wild behavior, meaning that such a person creates significant amount of stress and despair that is just unnecessary. While the second type of tree may at times be too laid back, and not possess a healthy amount of urgency to move one forward in life. I feel that to gain traction and have and upper-hand to move forward and succeed, you must be a medium tree, a blend of the two types. We'll call this tree the hybrid. This hybrid is releaxed and at a state of grace and dances in the moment for the moment, but will at times, when needed, dance wildly so as to be heard when a point needs to be made. These hybrids are the trees that influence those two separate types to blend more together and create a dance that is beautiful visually and mentally. This is the dance that drives one to move forward, to inspire, and to succeed.

Yep, another ramble that most likely doesn't make sense, but it needed to come out.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In Motion

Apparently I don't have the ability to keep up with this on a day to day basis. I suppose there has been a thought funk that has encompassed myself lately, is this the re-awakening? Possibly. Of course it is 2:16am and I work tomorrow, however, late night film watching has become a regular occurrence. Tonight, The Social Network. I do not doubt any of the wins and nominations this film has received, it deserves them all. The soundtrack, which is currently filling my brain with sparks of energy traveling ever so swiftly across the highways of thought and intellectual stimulation that make up what it is that is my brain, is something truly remarkable. This is an example that can be applied to that of the Mozart Effect. If you haven't heard of this book, look into it: The Mozart Effect by Don Campbell. I can't begin to dive into that system of ideas, although it's something encountered every second of my life, it's a bit complex but intriguing and will change how you view what it is you allow into your ears.  This soundtrack has been composed with the term "intellectual" in mind for sure, because that's what this movie is about. The makings of this album pose open doors to worlds of thoughts and ideas, call them, formulas for possible creations whether it be homework, a work project, a song, a moment of self-realization, etc. These are sounds of complexity that have their top button buttoned and their tie on straight, clean-cut is the key to this album's success; clean-cut with a bit of a "fuck you very much, i'm the ceo bitch" tagged onto it. A bit of a warning though, listening to this piece at such a late hour may cause insomnia, as I am experiencing due to the amount of moving energy in my brain. If you haven't caught on, it's apparent I highly suggest viewing this film. It may change your view of Facebook. I know I'm having difficulty looking and using it the same.

I just had a pause in my writing. A good few minutes of sitting, listening, and listening to the thoughts racing through my brain. I need to make something, creating something. First I suppose I should go through the minutes just prior to entering the world of the sandman.

Expect another entry sooner than later.

Monday, November 1, 2010

"If I could keep up with you, I'd stay young forever."

It's been a bit. Obviously, I'm not going to have one of those blogs that includes a post every single day. Tis the season of the full schedule, and apparently tedious homework assignments.  In reference to the title of this blog, coming from the song Jolene by Jeremy Fisher, this came to mind when I was browsing on the TOMS website.  I'm pretty much addicted to this company, scratch that, I AM addicted to this company.  I must say that this company, is a main inspiration for a young entrepreneurial mind such as myself. Not only does this company sell a great quality product, but more so, they give back. They don't give back to a certain group either, they give back to whoever needs it. I'm quite certain if you are aware of TOMS, then you are aware of their One For One program, which is simple ingenious. They clearly have the fact that we are all global neighbors down.  In addition to that program, a new style that they have recently released, not only benefits the One For One program when purchased, for each that they sell, they contribute to building new clean water wells in Ethiopia, one of many third world countries plagued by contaminated and lower water supplies.  We are not talking about a company ran by a simple management team either, we are talking about a company that is essentially ran by any one person.  This company is essentially ran by interns, aside from the lead management positions. There are always new, fresh minds running this company and its programs every Spring, Summer, and Fall. See why I'm applying!? Think about what one has the opportunity to be a part of by working with this company, and in addition, gain experience in whichever department one works in.

This company follows a platform that I want to follow. You create a product/service that people will invest in, and with that, you give and provide necessities for those around the world that are unable to acquire such necessities.  See, I get so excited about this company, how it conducts its business, what it stands for, and what it gives back that I just ramble. I warned you, I'm a ramblin' man. Oh dear, I just referenced an hoosier oldie, I suppose that's what happens when you grow up where I have. Haha. I didn't even explain why that phrase of the song Jolene popped into my head, damn you Sir Ramble, damn you. I state that phrase toward music though. If I could keep up with music and what it provides, I would stay young forever. Frankly, I just may stay young forever. You see, music keeps your mind open, it allows ideas and philosophies to flow freely through the mind by way of melody. A certain song can turn a fire (like the one I'm looking at in St. Louis Bread Co., into a portal that reaches to the very back of one's mind to grab those fragments of thoughts picked up throughout the day, and to transform them into full ideas, questions, conversations, etc. Music does this. New music reflects the old, the old creates morphs into the new.  This keeps you young and balanced. Being old is a state of mind, by keeping your mind at work, and in my case, keeping my mind going to the beat of life (yes, life has a beat), keeps me young at heart.  It's an interesting world to live in when you walk down the street, without headphone/earphones/whatever you put in your ears, and hear the noises around you, only to LISTEN to the beat of life. Obviously, each day is a different tune, but always contains a fragment of the original beat. What is the original beat? Well, my friend, yours is different than mine. Mine, is mine and to share it, would no longer make it mine. Just as if you were to tell me yours, DON'T TELL ME, it would not longer be yours. You may say, "Why Brian, I'm not even sure if I have a beat to my life." Trust me, you do. We don't become exposed to it at the same time, and some never listen to the beat of their life at all (which is quite sad actually), you have to stop and listen. This requires taking moments to rid your mind of worries, negative thoughts, positive thoughts, all that consumes your mind...and just, listen.

Thinking back about what I just wrote, I'm not quite certain if sense was involved there. However, there is no delete in this blog, metaphorically speaking of course, because obviously there is a delete, I mean, what kind of keyboard doesn't have a delete button? If I were my Grandpa, I would call a keyboard that didn't have a delete button a communist keyboard. Kind of like how I'm a communist because I don't like Okie Dokie popcorn.

Anyway, a thought to leave you with....take a listen to the song There Ain't No Reason by Brett Dennen. Think about the message you hear and think about the message the TOMS shoe company is attempting to bring to the attention of its customers and you just hear this message, or will you LISTEN to it? There is a difference, what is it?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Blog, First Entry.

Well, this is interesting. I never really contemplated creating a blog and then all of a sudden, while working on an assignment for E.B. Marketing and Strategic Planning, I feel compelled to create one. To be honest, this is simply to get all of those thoughts that no one hears, out into the traveling word world. You know what thoughts I'm talking about. Those thoughts that come to you in those times of in between conversations, the ones that come to you right before you go to sleep (which is when some of the most open-minded and creative thoughts come about mind you), and those that come from random smells, sounds, and sights. These are the thoughts that typically aren't discussed, the ones that you think to yourself, "No one will really care to hear these because they are meaningless and will amount to no high value conversation." Well, you see, I think we need a place for those. This is my place. Most likely, as in my everyday contemplating mind, this will be my place to discuss thoughts that stem from my greatest passion: Music. You know, that element that trickles in and out of our ears and sparks movements, ideas, business plans, the want to exercise, to mend a friendship, to ask that girl out on a date, to travel to a country one has never been, to watch a certain type of movie, or to take a journey in one's contemplative mind and exercise one's imaginative adventure seeking thoughts. Music is what connects the World. With that said, how can one NOT become passionate about such a monumental experience that occurs everyday.  Simply take a look, whether you are a "fan" of music (believe it or not, I've had some people actually tell me that they do not like music) or not, it enters your brain everyday through radio, shopping in a store, watching a program or commercial, etc. It's EVERYWHERE, which is AMAZING!

I know, you may be thinking to yourself "Brian, you are rambling.". You know what, it happens. It will happen often, and this is a factual assumption (paradox?).  However, I must end my rambling for now. You see, I'm in the middle of an assignment. This whole blog creation has been a tangent, and yet a tangent that will continue at a later time.

I leave you with this..."The Lucky Ones" by Brendan James. This is the song that I was listening to throughout the duration of this ramble. Listen to it, pay attention to the lyrics, and feel free to leave your thoughts on this.